Travel Resolutions for 2021
December 29, 2020
By Cassie Drumm

We started off 2020 hopeful. We made big plans to travel, booked our flights and set our itineraries. And then everything changed. So how can we stay positive moving into a new year when we don’t know when we’ll be able to explore the world again?

I’m choosing to dream big this year. This may not be the year for a big international trip, or even a small excursion. But it will definitely be the year to set my sights on the trip of a lifetime. I’ll spend plenty of time doing research, setting goals and budgeting. I’ll read books, listen to podcasts and watch documentaries for travel inspiration.

It’s a good year to slow down a little. Even if we can’t take any long journeys, let’s try to stop and smell the roses. Appreciate your own state, your own neighborhood and your own backyard.

This year, let’s also try to be more understanding of other cultures. In a world filled with so much diversity, let’s learn a little bit about those who also inhabit this planet. Learn a new language. Learn how to cook a new cuisine. Have a discussion with someone who lives across the globe. There are endless possibilities to satisfy our wanderlust without even leaving our couches. So let’s stop moping about our canceled flights and take this time to really sit back and expand our global understanding.

And, of course, this is a good time to set some health goals as well. Maybe this is the year you finally train for a marathon. Or maybe you want to work on your mental health. Start meditating and research some of the best meditation retreats around the globe. I’m trying to embrace a healthier vegan diet and cook more at home. There are plenty of ways to cook at home with less meat and more adventure.

So what are your healthy travel resolutions for the new year? Be realistic. Write down your goals and tell your friends to stay accountable. Keep track of your progress. Remain optimistic. And have a happy, healthy 2021.


About the Author

Cassie Drumm
Cassie is a healthy travel enthusiast and writer at Scribewise who resides in Philadelphia. Her favorite places to travel are anywhere she can be outside, bring her dog, and eat delicious vegan food.