Five Peaceful Spots Around the World to Add to Your 2022 Travel Bucket List
January 25, 2022
By Kayla Kurin

The last two years haven’t exactly been relaxing. While the future of travel in 2022 is still uncertain, we’ve put together a list of peaceful locations where it’s easy to book an isolated room or cabin, enjoy outdoor activities and get some much-needed fresh air. Here are five peaceful spots to visit in 2022:

Samara, Costa Rica

Beach in Samara, Costa Rica

This little beach town in the Nicoya Peninsula can get some traffic in the center, but once on the beach, you’ll have lots of space to spread out your towel, sip on a fresh fruit cocktail and watch the sunset. Thanks to a coral reef, the waves on this section of the coast are calmer than anywhere else on the Pacific of Costa Rica. Venture by car or bus a few miles north or south of Playa Samara, and you’ll find spots like Playa Carrillo with quiet beaches—no buildup of bars, restaurants or other amenities, just you and the sound of crashing waves.

Cloyne, Ontario, Canada

Mountain in Cloyne, Ontario, Canada

While the town of Cloyne isn’t much more than a few grocery shops, restaurants and a gas station, it’s the perfect base for a break in the Canadian Shield. Away from the crowds of cottage-goers in nearby Muskoka, Cloyne is close to several provincial parks—including Bon Echo with stunning cliff faces and long-distance hiking trails. Cloyne is the perfect place to wander along a forest trail, canoe on a tranquil lake and spend nights roasting marshmallows (or a healthy campfire treat) around the fire.

Collingwood, South Island, New Zealand

Sand in Collingwood, New Zealand

This small town, home to a few charming cafes, is the perfect jumping-off spot for some of the stunning and unique scenery in the area. With jungle on one side and ocean on the other, you’ll have no shortage of natural places to explore. Abel Tasman National Park is nearby and well worth a visit for hiking or sea-kayaking. But perhaps the highlight (other than the breakfast at MAD Café) is the Archway Islands on Whararikiri Beach. Follow a jungle trail to some giant sand dunes and then get rewarded with a view of jagged rock arches protruding from the ocean. During high tide, enjoy the rocks from the shore. When the tide goes out, you can get a close-up view of the rocks and caves and, if you’re lucky, watch some seals swimming in small pools.

Kampot, Cambodia

Water in Kampot, Cambodia

The town of Kampot itself gets a fair share of traffic, but a few minutes from the center of town you’ll find an assortment of guesthouses offering traditional accommodation on the Kompong Bay River. Riverside sunsets are the perfect way to end a day of swimming in the river, kayaking or visiting the spa (many of which offer open-air treatment rooms). Kampot has also attracted several of the country’s NGOs focused on helping local people and the economy recover from recent hardships. You’ll find spas that train and employ local women, shops that sell crafts made by war amputees and cafes that raise money to get kids off the street. Nearby, Bokor National Park which is worth a trip to see the wildlife!

Cadaques, Spain

Beachside town in Cadaques, Spain

In an inlet north of Catalonia, not far from the French border, Cadaques is the perfect place for artists and creatives. Take a stroll along the boat-dotted harbor, enjoy a long siesta, hike along the GR-92 trail or visit Salvador Dali’s holiday home. There’s a rocky beach right in the town and many other small inlets within hiking distance. This destination is best to visit in the shoulder season or winter to avoid crowds. The setting and artistic history of Cadaques are sure to relax and inspire.