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Astro Tourism: The Wellness Vacation You Didn’t Know You Needed

Astro Tourism: The Wellness Vacation You Didn’t Know You Needed

When it comes to travel these days, the sky isn’t just the limit– it’s the goal. Travelers are venturing far and wide for prime viewing of eclipses, meteor showers, and the northern lights.  A travel trend referred to as astro tourism, planning a vacation around the...

Wellness Tourism Is Booming. What Is It, Exactly?

Wellness Tourism Is Booming. What Is It, Exactly?

The pandemic brought several changes to the travel industry—one trend has linked traveling with well-being, giving rise to wellness tourism. Although not a new concept, it gained tremendous popularity after the pandemic as people seek unconventional ways to care for...

Test Your Hiking Skills in Quito, Ecuador

Test Your Hiking Skills in Quito, Ecuador

Don’t let the altitudes scare you. Plus, hiking into a crater isn’t as daunting as it sounds.  Nestled high in the Andes, Quito, Ecuador, is more than a pitstop for tourists venturing to the Galapagos Islands or Amazon Rainforest. It’s a city surrounded by...

Family Ski Trip: Tips to Stay Warm and Healthy on the Slopes

Family Ski Trip: Tips to Stay Warm and Healthy on the Slopes

Family ski vacations can be magical. Or they can be a stress-filled nightmare. The key to keeping spirits high? A well-planned trip. From choosing accommodations with family-friendly activities near the mountain to packing the right gear to keep you warm and safe on...

Cozy Winter Beverages from Around the World

Cozy Winter Beverages from Around the World

Strolling through a Christmas market sipping mulled wine or snuggled up on the couch with a mug of hot chocolate, a cozy winter beverage warms the soul. Every culture has a particular version of these comforting, cold-weather drinks. The best part? Many of these...

Managing a Panic Disorder While Traveling

Managing a Panic Disorder While Traveling

You’re about to set off on vacation and you’re running through the typical pre-travel checklist. Clothes are packed, the hotel is booked and you know when to arrive at the airport. You’ve even taken advanced steps around the house and with your job to ensure you can...