Studying abroad can be a life-changing experience. These immersive educational and cultural experiences are most commonly thought of as semester-long programs during college. But you don’t need to be in your late teens and early twenties to have your life transformed...
Posts in this category
4 International River Cruises to Add to Your Bucket List
What comes to mind when you think of a cruise? Probably days on end at sea, a few tropical excursions and an endless buffet. River cruises, however, provide a completely different experience for those on board. A river cruise is a leisurely way to travel, but still...
Chilled Moroccan Watermelon Tomato Soup
The sweltering days of late summer call for cooling, hydrating foods. All the better if they require little time in a hot kitchen. This simple recipe transforms basic summer ingredients into a flavorful, beautifully-spiced meal that’s elegant enough for entertaining...
Lebanese Fattoush Salad
This classic Lebanese salad features a refreshing mix of greens, herbs and crisped flatbread, all tossed in a zesty sumac-spiced dressing. Perfect for pairing with meat or poultry, this salad also stands well alone as a hearty vegetarian meal with sides of tabbouleh...
Danish Cod with Herb Salad
Ultra-fresh and super healthy, this Danish-inspired recipe serves as the ideal antidote to typical heavy winter fare. Known for their fresh seafood, clean flavors and simple-but-quality ingredients, the Danes can teach us all a thing or two about healthy eating....
An Adventure at Sea: Snorkeling in the Galapagos
Floating on the surface of the Pacific Ocean, I watch a sea turtle flap its fins, speeding through the sea despite its dinosaur-like appearance. I roll on my back to see blue-footed boobies diving in and out of the water looking for sardines to improve their mating...
5 Date Night Ideas for Wanderlusts
Think back to February of last year...what were you and your significant other doing? I, for one, spent Valentine’s weekend on a series of adventures in Philadelphia: Eating an authentic Italian dinner in a tiny BYOB, ice skating (and getting engaged!) at the River...
The Health Benefits of Slow Travel
My first overseas trip was a 10-day jaunt to the UK in my third year of University. I went with a friend who was a few years older than me and, I assumed, wiser because she had already spent several months backpacking around Europe. Based on her recommendations, we...
Our 5 Favorite Travel Documentaries
Whether you’re looking for an escape without shelling out money for a plane ticket or you need some inspiration for planning your next adventure, travel documentaries are a great way to explore somewhere new without leaving your couch. Here are five of our...
At-Home EPCOT: International Travel with Your Kids from the Living Room
International travel came grinding to a halt in 2020, crushing the vacation plans of people all over the world. Parents who’d been looking to experience new cultures with their kids were suddenly left marooned inside their own homes instead. With the inaccessibility...
Quarantining Abroad: Moving to a New Country at the Height of the Pandemic
I touched down on Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula in June during the peak of the coronavirus pandemic in most places around the world. I’d flown from Brazil to Florida in March in response to my mother’s panicked frenzy and wound up quarantined in my parents’ home for way...
Want to Save Money? Here’s When to Travel
Newsflash: travel is awesome. (And let’s be honest, that’s not news.) But travel is also expensive. Even if you’re light on your feet, airfare alone can cost hundreds of dollars… and if you’re looking for a posh experience complete with private rooms and maybe a...