Gluten-Free Globetrotting
January 31, 2012
By John Miller

It’s no secret that a lot of people have switched to a gluten-free diet, whether or not they have Celiac Disease. The benefits are great for many people, but there’s a question that can be a significant obstacle for gluten-free dieters who want to venture beyond the outskirts of town.

How do you keep your gluten-free diet when traveling?

Most people assume that you can’t. They assume that the restaurant in Rome is going to fill your plate with pasta no matter how vehemently you tell them you’re intolleranza al glutin. But fear not; there are plenty of resources to help you stay gluten-free all around the globe.

Most people who maintain a gluten-free diet know which foods to avoid and which foods to ask for. When traveling to a foreign country, it’s simply a matter of being a little more vigilant and prepared so that you can relax and enjoy.

The most comprehensive is The site has numerous tips for travelers, including how to eat on the plane (preorder a celiac meal!) and to be sure to take gluten-free snacks with you so that you can stave off those hunger pangs that might lead you to hungrily devour something you might regret.

But by far the best feature of is their gluten-free restaurant cards. The cards come in 51 different languages and are an easy way to make sure you’re clearly communicating with a waitperson when you might not speak the language that well. Each card explains that you cannot eat certain foods and asks them to help you steer clear of those foods.  You can download PDFs of the cards for free (although they’d like a donation, please). It’s beautiful in its simplicity.

Another resource is travel writer Hilary Davidson’s blog Gluten-Free Guidebook, which demonstrates that you really can go gluten-free in Italy. Davidson blogs about her travels across the U.S. and around the world while maintaining a gluten-free diet. She also invites guest posts from readers to discuss their successes and challenges in navigating the globe gluten-free.

Also, consider, although its primary focus is on domestic eating options. However, without it, you might never know about the best gluten-free dining experience in Paris.

The key to any trip abroad is planning, and that is doubly true when you’re looking to enjoy worry-free, gluten-free dining. With these resources, you can see that it’s possible to travel the world without getting, literally, sick about it.

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