Posts in this category

Family Ski Trip: Tips to Stay Warm and Healthy on the Slopes

Family Ski Trip: Tips to Stay Warm and Healthy on the Slopes

Family ski vacations can be magical. Or they can be a stress-filled nightmare. The key to keeping spirits high? A well-planned trip. From choosing accommodations with family-friendly activities near the mountain to packing the right gear to keep you warm and safe on...

5 Tips for Winter Weather Flight Delays and Cancellations

5 Tips for Winter Weather Flight Delays and Cancellations

Winter weather can bring about flight delays and cancellations, which can be frustrating for even the most seasoned travelers. Here are five tips to help you navigate the challenges of winter travel. Stay Informed First, you’ll want to download the appropriate airline...

How to Eat Healthy on Vacation Without A Fridge

How to Eat Healthy on Vacation Without A Fridge

Most advice about eating healthy on vacation involves buying alternate options at grocery stores and cooking some nights instead of dining out. But that assumes you’ll have access to a fridge and possibly a stove—amenities that are not present in all hotel rooms and...

Cold Weather Vacations: Tips for Keeping Babies Warm and Healthy

Cold Weather Vacations: Tips for Keeping Babies Warm and Healthy

‘Tis the season for cold weather travel with the family. Whether you’re skiing or visiting the grandparents in Minnesota, vacations to winter wonderlands come with their own set of safety precautions for babies. Most importantly, you need to make sure you’re keeping...

Managing a Panic Disorder While Traveling

Managing a Panic Disorder While Traveling

You’re about to set off on vacation and you’re running through the typical pre-travel checklist. Clothes are packed, the hotel is booked and you know when to arrive at the airport. You’ve even taken advanced steps around the house and with your job to ensure you can...

Cooking Your Own Food Abroad

Cooking Your Own Food Abroad

Staying healthy while traveling abroad isn’t always easy. There’s the temptation to eat fast food in the airport, overindulge at some of the best restaurants around the globe and have late-night snacks from local street vendors. But, if you’re trying to stick to a...

Healthy Foods for Your Next Camping Trip

Healthy Foods for Your Next Camping Trip

There’s nothing better than sitting around a dancing campfire, telling stories with friends and hearing the sizzle of freshly grilled food. Yet, it’s easy to leave a camping trip feeling tired and bloated after several days of eating hot dogs and s’mores. So, we’ve...

Touchless Travel: The Tech, Tools and Common Sense for Safer Trips

Touchless Travel: The Tech, Tools and Common Sense for Safer Trips

Many of us hunkered down and stayed close to home in 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic. But while we’re still facing time at home, news of several successful vaccines means there is light at the end of the tunnel. If you're like me, your wanderlust has grown...